Friday, April 20, 2007


After much debate in the Forum pages of the Strait Times on how hospital staff should be more sensitive to the relative of love ones of the patients regarding the conditions of their patients i saw 1st hand how medical professionals may unintentionally behave in such manner.

My team member's father recently passed away, so my OC, who is a Doctor, and some of my friends paid him a visit to convey our condolences.

We all are Medics by vocation, but i dropped my jaw when my OC used the term"A.M.I." (Acute Myocardial Infarction) to describe the cause of death. Well sure enough he soon excused himself citing sore thumb, or rather being a sore thumb.

for those who do not know what an Acute Myocardial Infarction is, it is a severe heart attack.

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